Monday, January 3, 2011

Getting Started AGAIN 1-3-2011

1-3-2011  It's already 3 days into the new year.  It’s time to get started AGAIN on my quest to "get healthy"; which in my  life means to lose weight.  My weight "issue" is definitely described in one of the definitions I found for the word "weave".   WEAVE:  TO MOVE ALONG IN A WINDING OR ZIGZAG COURSE; MOVE FROM SIDE TO SIDE     That definitely describes my weight through the years.   Zigzag.  The weight goes up, the weight goes down.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to stay down. 

This past year I’ve started crocheting.  My first attempts were really bad.  My “shawl” would start out 16” wide and then it gradually was 12” and then back to 18”.  I did a lot of unraveling and restarting.  Seven months and six shawls later, things are much more consistent.   Hmmm.   Consistency.    I seldom stick with a healthy eating/exercise plan for 7 months.  If I would, I could be much healthier.  Time to unravel the ways I’ve been eating and not exercising and restart.  It’s time to stick with the healthy eating and exercising long enough to make it a habit.

Now my thoughts are zigzagging.     I like to do a lot of things; and, I’m pretty good at doing most things I try.  So, why can’t I get this weight this right??????   Is it because I don’t like most vegetables?  Is it because I get bored SO easily with exercise?  Is it because so many of the things that I’m pretty good at doing involve me sitting on my rear and not exercising my body enough?  To use the popular “answer” of today’s society:  “WHATEVER!”.   The why and the past don’t really matter.  What matters is that today I’m starting over.  Today, I start my health quest by using another definition of weave.  WEAVE:  TO FORM BY COMBINING VARIOUS ELEMENTS OR DETAILS INTO A CONNECTED WHOLE.  TO WEAVE A PLAN.

I’ll weave into my life things like writing frequently, finding someone to hold me accountable, finding inspiration to get back into shape, taking the time to plan healthier meals and exercising more.   The best inspiration can be found in my Bible so I’ll be sharing tidbits I find there along with other things I find to weave into my day.  If there is anyone out there who wants to be an accountability partner for or with me, drop me a note or call!

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Phil 4:13 NASB
Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it.   Thomas Mann

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