Friday, January 7, 2011

3 Steps

A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions.  The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.  Proverbs 27:12 NLT       A modern, similar phrase is “If you fail to plan, your plan will fail.”

I don’t leave a lot to chance in my life.  I plan vacations, I plan my craft projects.  I plan when I’m going to play my harp for various groups.  I plan my landscaping.  I have NOT had much of a get healthy plan.  

I've heard the phrase "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". Since what I’ve been doing hasn’t resulted in weight loss, I decided I have to do something different.  SO, I moved all of the “evil” food off the counters and out of my line of sight.  It’s surprising how well the “out of sight, out of mind” actually works.  And yes, I started recording everything that I ate.  If I know I have to write it down, I’m less apt to put it in my mouth, which is SO silly when you think about it.  Do I really think that if I don’t write it down, it doesn’t have calories?   Not keeping a list was putting me in denial regarding the number of calories I was really consuming.  I’ve always hated writing down what I eat; but it’s now to the point that I hate the extra weight more than I hate writing it down.  I also found an accountability buddy.  Woohoo. . .I’m now doing THREE things right.  I’m being prudent about the dangers of eating the wrong foods, or eating too much of any food.  I’m taking precautions (about eating incorrectly).  I will no longer be the “simpleton going blindly on”.  I will no longer “suffer the consequences”.  I’m following Proverbs 27:12! 

Guess what!  My scale moved.  HALLELUJAH!  Ok, technically, the scale is in the same place, but the little needle finally moved to the left.  Granted, it didn't move much; but, a smidgen of a move is at least a start. 

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Phil 4:13 NASB

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