Friday, December 31, 2010

Closing 2010

It's the last day of 2010.  What a year.  New health problems. . . . asthma/allergies like never before.  Hospitalization with pneumonia & lung infection.  WAY too many days on steroids, which I'll say is at least partly to blame for weight gain at the end of the year (especially since I had been losing weight until the health problems built up 3rd-4th quarter of the year) Allergy testing in Wisconsin.  Seeing my son get divorced.    Good times though, too.  Vacationing in the black hills, working on landscape & gardening projects, learning to crochet/prayer shawl ministry, seeing "old" friends,   What will 2011 bring?  MY PLAN. . . . spending more time in meaningful Bible Study.  Not just the "read the Bible" so I can say I read the whole thing, again; but this time studying it.  Waiting quietly to see what God wants me to learn from what I'm reading.  Waiting on HIM.  Following his will more fully.  Waiting to see his miracles.